Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Why do people go to any length to travel for Christmas?
I have for a long time since these celebration as a reflection of the outgoing year and plan for the incoming year, and definitely not a time to gloat over the outgoing year's achievements.
The question is must you travel to the village for Christmas

Here i am doing my thing.
What is life to me
Being thankful and grate full for all i am and have and have been given the grace to achieve in my own little space on my own corner of life
Life to me is the Love of Yahuwah His grace, mercies, forgiveness daily made available to me by the precious blood of His most Holy SON YAHUSUAH.
Life to me is being surrounded by the people i love and those who hate me but profess to love me or are bearing with me because of what they want from me both the good and the not so good go together of course
Life to me is knowing that anything that cannot talk can not be wiser than me and those that can talk can be made to reason with the right type of approach.
Life to me is knowing that though people may be doing the wrong things does not mean it is right or that i have to do same to please anyone.
Life to me is knowing that one day i will stand before THE great creator of the world to give an account and so try to do my best( which is rubbish but i think if i am aware of my behaviour even if it is difficult to do the right thing now one day  i will get there by His grace
So welcome
This blog will not be perfect but i will tell my stories as they happen .
I love to cook, sing and read (not as much as i would like to nowadays -business of living has a way of changing ones perspective after 40) No wonder the good book tells us to serve our creator while we are young.  
